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27 11, 2019

My Artwork Publication and Broadcasting in different Media


Pakistan Tourist Attraction Map Featured In Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Global Village Space https://www.globalvillagespace.com/tourist-attraction-map-that-makes-finding-places-to-visit-in-pakistan-a-huge-fun/ IMAGES by Dawn News https://images.dawn.com/news/1184071/this-graphic-designer-made-a-tourist-attraction-of-pakistan-so-you-can-plan-your-next-trip Dawn News Facebook High Commission for Pakistan Wellington, New Zealand https://www.pakistanhc.org.nz/explore-pakistan Defence.pk https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/designer-makes-tourist-attraction-map-of-pakistan-to-guide-travelers.643681 REDDIT https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/dz08bc/pakistan_tourist_attractions_map_credit_assam/ DubaiofW https://dubaiofw.com/pakistan-tourist-attraction-map/ Parhlo https://www.parhlo.com/pakistani-artist-assam-altaf/ Sama TV

My Artwork Publication and Broadcasting in different Media2019-11-27T10:20:56+04:00
26 08, 2019

Exploring myself while growing up


Usually teenagers spend their life in confusions, studies, mobile, friends, mistakes, entertainment stuff and so on.. But i spend my teenage life with myself by staying awake long long nights in my room playing guitar, piano, sketching 2 to 3 hours, designing, photographing and studies as well. I never travelled in my teen age, i never went to any cafe or fast food restaurants,

Exploring myself while growing up2019-08-26T10:46:51+04:00
6 02, 2019

Million Dollar Selfies by Pakistani Photographer


Million Dollars Selfies by Pakistani Artist Photographer Assam altaf why i called these selfies as a million dollar pictures, because these are beautiful memories that i have created with my struggle and hardships. For you its really easy to watch in one go but for me these moments has complete stories behind.

Million Dollar Selfies by Pakistani Photographer2019-04-10T23:01:13+04:00
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