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3D Pakistan Political Map

3D Pakistan Political Map
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Geography of Pakistan

Pakistan is a new born country and its age is less than 100 years, but it has a history of A.D. and B.C. Pakistan is a gift for the independence of Muslims and an offer to other communities to live in peace. Geographically, Pakistan has highest mountain ranges of the world and zero Arabian sea level and also has deepest port in the world for trading. Pakistan has 6 Province including Gilgit-Baltistan, AJK, KPK, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. Every province has its own quality. Pakistan shares boundaries with 4 countries including Afghanistan, Iran, China and India. We have good relations with our neighboring countries except some land distribution issues.

Future of Pakistan

Karachi was the capital of Pakistan, now Islamabad holds this title. Being an artist, I wanted to show the potential of my country to the world. We are open for everyone in terms of trade, tourism or investments.

After 73 Years of Pakistan, we already improved our living standards. Our infrastructure purely consists of international standards. We are blessed with all kind of weathers, minerals and resources.

Our cultures and Values are still visible and hold the identity of Pakistan. We are brilliant in Handicrafts, Arts and Crafts. We have one of the oldest civilization in the world and one of the oldest universities in the world. World’s biggest plane A380 can land on our runway.

Pakistan has one of the best Army in the world. Pakistan is a nuclear power.

Last but not the least, we are blessed with every beautiful aspects. Alhumdulliah

Pakistan Zindabad. ( Long Live Pakistan )

Regards – Assam Artist

Pakistan Political Map


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3D Pakistan Political Map Pakistan is a new born country and its age is less than 100 years, but it has a history of A.D. and B.C. Pakistan is a gift for the independence of Muslims and an offer to other communities to live in peace. Geographically, Pakistan has highest mountain ranges of the world and zero Arabian sea level and also has deepest port in the world for trading. Pakistan has 6 Province including Gilgit-Baltistan, AJK, KPK, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. Every province has its own quality. Pakistan shares boundaries with 4 countries including Afghanistan, Iran, China and India. We have good relations with our neighboring countries except some land distribution issues. Karachi was the capital of Pakistan, now Islamabad holds this title. Being an artist, I wanted to show the potential of my country to the world. We are open for everyone in terms of trade, tourism or investments. After 73 Years of Pakistan, we already improved our living standards. Our infrastructure purely consists of international standards. We are blessed with all kind of weathers, minerals and resources. Our cultures and Values are still visible and hold the identity of Pakistan. We are brilliant in Handicrafts, Arts and Crafts. We have one of the oldest civilization in the world and one of the oldest universities in the world. World’s biggest plane A380 can land on our runway. Pakistan has one of the best Army in the world. Pakistan is a nuclear power. Last but not the least, we are blessed with every beautiful aspects. Alhumdulliah Pakistan Zindabad. ( Long Live Pakistan ) Regards – Assam Artist Download HighResolution Files #PakistanPoliticalMap #PakistanMap #Pakistan #Map #Afghanistan #Iran #India #China #Tourism #Trade #Islamabad #Sindh #Punjab #Karachi #Lahore #KPK #Kashmir #AJIK #PakistanZindabad #14August #HappyIndependenceDay #PakistanIndependenceDay #2020 #AssamArtist #PakistanTouristMap #AssamAltaf #OfficialMapofPakistan

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